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Rich Krohn has received the Legacy Partner Award from the Grand Junction Housing Authority

Rich Krohn has received the Legacy Partner Award from the Grand Junction Housing Authority. Jody Kole, C.E.O. of GJHA, explained the award as follows:

“Although Rich Krohn often refers to himself as “just a poor country lawyer”, those who have worked with him know that he is anything but a poor country lawyer. He is a man of integrity, highly intelligent, savvy, a shrewd negotiator, a gentleman, and an absolute bulldog when advocating for his clients and their interests.

I have had the privilege of working with him for more than 24 years, and can say without a doubt that he has contributed greatly to the success of the Grand Junction Housing Authority throughout its history. Rich has been instrumental in the success of so many real estate transactions, particularly in negotiating the acquisition of the land for both the Village Park and Highlands developments.

The complicated financing mechanisms necessary to build our last 5 apartment communities required a herculean effort from the team, and I cannot imagine tackling one without his skill, finesse and amazing work ethic.

Rich truly takes personal ownership of each of our major endeavors, and feels the pride of accomplishment when we break ground or cut ribbons or close a deal.

He and I have often spoken of the lasting contribution these affordable housing developments will make in this community, and what a legacy our shared work will be.

This is why today we honor my good friend Rich Krohn with the LEGACY PARTNER AWARD.”

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