The Real Estate Attorneys Grand Junction, CO Relies On
Real Estate / Land Use / Zoning
Buying or selling a property is a huge undertaking, and it’s important that the process goes as smoothly as possible. Working with a dependable real estate attorney will ensure that all the legal paperwork involved with your transaction gets done correctly and in a
timely manner.
The legal professionals at Dufford Waldeck can assist you with everything from selling your home to buying a space to start a business. Our team has the necessary expertise to help you navigate the legal process with no confusion.
If you’re in need of a reliable real estate attorney in Grand Junction, Montrose, or anywhere in the surrounding area, contact us today to learn more. We can assist you with legal matters including:
Contracts for Purchase or Sale (Commercial, Residential, Farm and Ranch (Agricultural), Vacant Land)
Leases (Commercial, Residential, Farm and Ranch (Agricultural), Vacant Land)
Contracts for Sale by Owner (FSBO)
Deeds of Trust, Mortgages, and Promissory Notes
Security Agreements
Loan and Collateral Security Documents
Landlord/Tenant Matters
Land Use Planning and Development
Zoning, Subdivision and Platting Issues
Farm and Ranch Sales and Purchases
Quiet Title Actions
Property Disputes
Title Disputes
Eminent Domain
Inverse Condemnation
Boundary Disputes
Easement Issues
Homeowners Associations (HOA)
Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) Issues
Our Attorneys Who Specialize in This Area of Practice
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